Insurance carrier appointments—why they matter

    Feb 2, 2022

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    One of the major benefits of Brightway Insurance Agency ownership is access you’ll gain to the top insurance carriers in your market. Brightway Agents can offer customers a wide variety of choices when it comes to insurance, providing them more personalized options for coverage.

    Is your agency equipped to meet all the requirements for securing carrier appointments?

    Insurance carriers have multiple requirements when it comes to working with agencies, and Brightway is one of very few companies that meet these standards:

    • Desirable location and appearance of the agency. Brightway is a well-established Personal Lines agency that has grown to 1,200 people in more than 300 offices across the country, serving customers in all 50 states.
    • Consistently profitable and financially stable. With nearly $900 million in annualized written premium, Brightway is continuously recognized as a top and fast-growing franchise by Entrepreneur magazine, Franchise Times and more.
    • Reliable technology and platforms used. Brightway ensures our back-office team have access to adequate platforms to execute customer service requests. Our recent majority investment from GrowthCurve Capital will allow us to enhance our technology platform further.
    • Business plan is clear and reviewed annually. Brightway’s Agency Development Consultants, or ADCs, help new Agency Owners craft business plans, along with holding yearly planning meetings to discuss progress and goals.
    • Community presence is strong. Many Brightway Agency Owners are involved in community service initiatives throughout the year, including hosting blood drives and donating to local organizations.
    • Ability to write $1 million in new business premiums within the first 12 to 24 months. Brightway Agency Owners undergo onboarding training and receive consistent guidance from ADCs to support growth year-over-year.

    Brightway also has a dedicated Carrier Relations team that consistently seeks out major carriers on behalf of Agency Owners to secure appointments.

    “We pride ourselves on supporting Brightway Agency Owners and Agents by making sure they have continuous access to the most competitive carriers in the market—not just at one point in time,” said Marybeth McDade, Carrier Relations Director.

    It can be challenging for start-up and smaller agencies to receive carrier appointments, due to the lack of historical profitability and requirements for new business in the first two years. Agency Owners wanting to offer customers more choices can do so with Brightway under the you sell, we service model. Brightway handles the heavy lifting of securing carrier appointments and all after-the-sale service, while Agents and Agency Owners can focus on growing their business.

    To learn more about becoming a Brightway Agency Owner, complete this form.